Security Advisory

/Security Advisory

Blockchain security risks and its preventive approaches

Blockchain: Blockchain is the new application model of computer technology such as distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, encryption algorithms etc. Blockchain is an important concept of bitcoin and essentially a decentralized database. Blockchains are helpful, but this technology can be detrimental because of its own specific set of security issues. Blockchain security risks - An [...]

By |August 24th, 2021|Security Advisory|Comments Off on Blockchain security risks and its preventive approaches

Vulnerability Assessment of SCADA and Industrial Control Systems

What is SCADA? Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) is a system of software and hardware elements that allows industrial organizations to: Control industrial processes locally or at remote locations Monitor, gather, and process real-time data Directly interact with devices such as sensors, valves, pumps, motors, and more through human-machine interface (HMI) software Record events into [...]

By |July 17th, 2021|Security Advisory|Comments Off on Vulnerability Assessment of SCADA and Industrial Control Systems

Raise of Phishing attacks

The number of coronavirus-related email attacks has increased by 667 percent since the end of May 2021, according to a cybersecurity threat report published by E Com Security Solutions. Many organizations and companies experience changes in their working conditions due to the covid-19 pandemic. This shift has increased remote activities, such as teleworking. Teleworking furthers [...]

By |July 9th, 2021|Security Advisory|Comments Off on Raise of Phishing attacks

Cyber Security tips for work from home

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the organizations globally moved their employees to a remote mode that increased the risk of security threats and vulnerabilities that lead to leaks of critical data and core information systems breaches. It is challenging enough for cyber security teams to constantly defend an organization’s networks from cybercriminals, and [...]

By |June 6th, 2021|Security Advisory|Comments Off on Cyber Security tips for work from home

AI in Network Penetration testing

Penetration testing is a vital component in the field of cyber security. To be theoretical it should be placed in the forefront for any security tragedy. Now let’s look at the stages of pen testing that AI can impact. As cyber-attacks grow in volume and complexity, artificial intelligence (AI) is helping under-resourced security operations analysts stay [...]

By |May 6th, 2021|Security Advisory|Comments Off on AI in Network Penetration testing

Penetration testing – the highly demanded cyber security service

What is meant by Penetration testing? Penetration testing, also known as pen testing, is the practice of testing a computer system, network, or web application to find security vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit. Penetration testing can be automated with software applications or performed manually. In any of the ways used, the process involves gathering [...]

By |January 26th, 2021|Security Advisory|Comments Off on Penetration testing – the highly demanded cyber security service

Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security

“AI is changing the game for cyber security, analyzing massive quantities of risk data to speed response times and augment-under resource and security operations” These days threats have become so quick which means that the attackers are evolving their tools the malware that they deploy the attacks that they use are constantly changing. The disadvantage of [...]

By |January 6th, 2021|Security Advisory|Comments Off on Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security