Web Application Vulnerability Scanning
Automated web application vulnerability scanning to test for the presence of exposed vulnerabilities and defects in an executing web application and provide remediation to prevent from being exploited
Identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities associated with Web Applications
With Web vulnerability Assessment, we provide a non – invasive scanning that mimics real-world hacking techniques and attacks, and provides comprehensive dynamic analysis of complex web applications or solution based on Web Services technologies (e.g., SOAP or REST). Support modern technologies such as Mobile, Json, Rest, Soap, Html5 & Ajax. The Intelligent Scanning cover OWASP Top 10, SANS Top 25, OSSTMM, WASC.
Given the complexity of Web services based solutions, this service is highly customized and incorporates manual testing performed by professionals with vast experience in Web Services assessments. The Vulnerability scanning may be incorporated into the software development life cycle (SDLC) and performed prior to the application being deployed into the production environment.
Comply with reporting requirements
Meet the industry best practices, legal and regulatory compliance regulations including PCI DSS, FFIEC, SOX, HIPAA, GLBA, NERC CIP and FISMA require organizations to perform Web Services & Application Vulnerability Scanning regularly and to demonstrate Compliance.
Our expert team can support you in performing the Web Services & Application Vulnerability Scanning to meet the respective compliance requirements and present you with compliance reporting which also helps your team quickly see gaps in compliance and helps you in mitigating information security risk.