PCI ASV – External Vulnerability Scanning
We can help you meet the requirement 11.2 of PCI Compliance which requires vulnerability scanning of the internet facing IP Addresses to identify vulnerabilities and support in remediation
PCI Approved Scanning Vendor
To demonstrate PCI compliance, merchants and service providers are required to have periodic PCI DSS vulnerability scans that are conducted by an Approved Scanning Vendor.
By identifying the vulnerabilities in your environment, we provide detailed analysis and remediation guidance of your network which helps you reduce your exposure, comply with regulations and safeguard your business. Our expert team will also provide you with the remediation guidance through out the year based on the subscription level.
Comprehensive Reporting
Once you’ve performed vulnerability scanning of your assets for vulnerabilities, you need to develop a response plan that describes the vulnerabilities and their potential impact to your environment, and then decide which issues to remediate first. Doing this efficiently requires expert knowledge of not only the exploit methods but the affected systems as well.
Along with an array of remediation reports that provide security managers with a current snapshot of remediation status and progress, also Includes a highly automated, integrated remediation and trouble-ticketing workflow system.