Cyber Security Awareness and Training Service

Cybersecurity awareness and upskilling courses to train your employees to spot cyber threats and aid to comply with the industry regulations of PCI DSS, HIPAA, GDPR, ISO 27001, and SOX

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Enroll Your Organization for a Free Trial

To enroll in this complimentary service, the Information Security Administrator for your organization should fill out the form on the registration page. Directions will then be provided on how to roll out the service to your entire organization.

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Build and Mature Your Security Awareness and Training Program

With different training styles to match your company’s culture, employee comprehension levels, and learning preferences, our EndUser Training equips your workforce to recognize and prevent current cyber threats


Change User Behavior and Drive a Culture

Our training content is the most trusted in the world— expertly-created comprehensive training builds a powerful program that embodies organizational needs and learning levels.

  • Scenario-based courses drive better learning outcomes

  • Learners are more attentive during our videos
  • We give learners the narratives they crave
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Digital Certificate eligible program

The Academy digital certificates allow you to easily and quickly share verified proof of your workforce achievement(s) wherever and whenever you choose. The Academy digital certificates contain verified metadata describing their qualifications and the rigorous process required to earn them. These certificates are:

  • Digital emblems symbolizing skills and achievements
  • Easy to share in social media: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, blogs
  • Tethered to E Com Security Academy to validate and verify achievement


How Does it Work?

Every course is made up of an explanatory video lasting 3-5 minutes are designed for different levels of experience. Members can access the courseware at their own pace from anywhere using their laptops, phones, tablets, etc. Access is available to organizations we have signed an agreement with in two modes of user access options

  • Deployed into client learning management systems as part of staff training requirements

  • We provide a cloud-enabled learning environment where the academy will support user rights management and administration


Track and Monitor

Your information security administrator will be able to actively monitor the progress of all your users with a simple dashboard. See all employees or filter to a specific progress state, group, or individual. View enrollment dates, progress, and completed modules, as well as completed times and dates. Easily export employee training data to a CSV file.

Build and mature your security awareness program with a comprehensive, data-driven approach to training for everyone in your organization

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